Karndean Remove 750ml


At Andersons of Inverurie, we are dedicated to offering high-quality goods for your home. To uphold this commitment, we introduced the Andersons Price Match Challenge: if you find any product we stock at a lower price from a reputable UK retailer, online or in-store, simply show our sales team the quoted price, and we’ll strive to match it. Click here to see the full details and request a price.


Karndean Remove is an alkaline based floor polish remover that is used for deep clean applications. Follow the instructions in our Floor Care Guide to revitalise your floor's appearance and durability using Karndean Remove in conjunction with Karndean Refresh.



Please contact us if you have any concerns about your order.

Standard Delivery (3-5 Working Days) up to 10KG £3.95
Courier Delivery 10KG - 25KG £9.95
Courier Delivery 25KG - 35KG £19.95
Courier Delivery 35KG - 50KG £34.95
Courier Delivery 50KG - 75KG £39.95

White Glove Furniture Delivery Local* £50
White Glove Furniture Delivery Scotland Mainland £89
White Glove Furniture Delivery UK Mainland £120

Paint Delivery (refer to product's lead time) FREE

Rug Delivery (refer to product's lead time) £15

Full details of our delivery charges can be found here


If you are not happy with your online order, most items can be returned within 14 days of delivery.

Please find specific information for both faulty and non-faulty returns here.